Unless otherwise stated, the extracts below were obtained from the Trove Newspapers archive.
Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic) Tue 31 Aug 1869, Page 3
MELBOURNE (From our own correspondent)
New Insolvents
William James Sterry, Rutherglen, quartz miner. Debts, £119 18s 6d ; assets, £7 ; deficiency £112 18s 6d. From non-success as a quartz miner, and from having met with an accident whereby his leg was broken, in consequence of which he was unable to obtain remunerative employ.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) Mon 17 Jun 1872, Page 3
The city coroner, Dr. Youl, held an inquest on Saturday, at St. Kilda, on the body of William Sterry, aged 31 years, a labourer, leaving a wife and two children. Phillip McLean, labourer, stated that he told the deceased, who was working at the old railway embankment, removing earth, that it was dangerous to work where he was, and wanted him to fill his cart where witness was working. The place deceased was working at was undermined, and he himself expected it to fall ; but in spite of this he backed his cart up under the earth, and getting upon his dray commenced to pick the earth so that it would fall into the dray, when the whole mass fell suddenly upon him, and the deceased was either knocked or he jumped out of the dray. He was covered with earth to the extent of three feet, and witness, with assistance, disinterred him in about half an hour. He was then quite dead, his face was swollen and black, and his back seemed to be broken. No one was to blame for the accident but deceased. The jury found that the deceased was accidentally killed.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic.) Wed 21 Aug 1872, Page 3
William Sterry, of Russell-street, Melbourne, blind manufacturer. Causes of insolvency : Losses in business, and sickness and death in family. Liabilities, £530 1 3s. 10d.; assets, £299 9s. 4d. ; deficiency, £231 Is. 6d. Mr. Halfey, assignee.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Monday 5 August 1878, page 7
A special meeting of the city council was held this morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of electing a mayor for the ensuing municipal year. In accordance with an understanding previously arrived at, the honourable office was conferred upon Councillor Sterry, who was duly invested with the mayoral robes. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the health of the new mayor was drunk by the members of the council and a large number of Mr. Sterry's friends in bumpers. Before vacating the chair, the retiring mayor (Councillor Bayne) reviewed the financial position of the city, which he showed to be in a most flourishing state, despite the dulness that had for many months prevailed with respect to the mining industry. The finances were in a more satisfactory state than they had perhaps ever been before, and he thought that there was fair ground to hope for a prosperous future.
The Sydney Mail, NSW, 27 Jan 1883
STERREY-BLAND-December 9, 1883, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. Thomas Gainford, Eli, eldest son of Charles Sterrey, Gloucester, England to Catherine Eliza, eldest daughter of the late William Bland, and stepdaughter of William Williamson, of Llewellen-street, Balmain [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Record [Emerald Hill, Victoria] Sat 26 Sep 1885, Page 4
At the Port Melbourne Police Court on Monday morning, before Mr. Alley, P.M., two respectable-looking men, named George Jones and William Sterry, were presented for burglariously entering the premises of Joseph Cox, news agent, Bay-street. Sergeant McAdam conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Gillott appeared for the prisoner Sterry. The other prisoner was undefended. The men were committed for trial at the next court of General Sessions. Read more ...
Evening News (Sydney, NSW) Tue 15 Nov 1887 Page 7
Run Over and Killed.
A cabman, named Josiah Rowe, was charged at the Collingwood Court (Vic), on Friday, with negligent driving, and also with manslaughter. The evidence showed that a lad named Arthur
William Sterry, about 14 years of age, who resides with his parents in Delbridge-street, Clifton Hill was sent a message to the Clifton Hill Hotel, on the evening of September 21 last. The lad was brought home later in the evening seriously injured, having been run over by a cab. The lad succumbed to the injuries received on the following morning. T«ro witnesses stated they saw a cab, which was driven at a furious pace, knock the deceased down. The cab after passing over the deceased went at a fast gallop in the direction of Wellington-street. The horse was of a light grey color, but he could not identify the driver. A number of witnesses were examined on both sides. The Bench did not consider the evidence sufficient to convict the accused, and he was discharged.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) Wed 15 Apr 1891 Page 7
The inspector of nuisances for the city of Collingwood yesterday proceeded against a baker named William Sterry at the local police court, charging him with selling gingerbread containing alum an article prejudicial to the health of the consumer. On the 27th February last Inspector Banko and Sub inspector M Dowall purchased six pieces of ginger-bread for which they paid 6d, at Sterry's shop in Smith-street The lot was divided into three portions-one was left at the shop another was kept by Banko and a third was sent to the public analyst, Mr. Dunn. As a result of his analysis it was found that the sample contained alum in extent equalling 60 grains to the pound weight of sample. This was an unusually high proportion of an injurious compound, far above that found in any previous analysis of bread which he had been called upon to make.
A baker named William Harrison, who was in the employ of the defendant on the 26th February, gave detailed evidence as to the method of manufacture of the ginger-bread obtained by the inspectors. For that he had used ¾lb of alum to 42lb of treacle, with other articles. Alum was universally used in making ginger-bread and its use was to make it rise.
The Bench remarked that in such cases a grievous wrong was inflicted upon the public. They would like to make this case a warning, but as it was the first of the kind, and as it appeared to be the practice to use alum for the purpose of making ginger-bread, they would only inflict a penalty of 40s, with 72s costs.
Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic.) Sat 17 Oct 1891, Page 3
STERRY - On the 9th October, at 283 George street, Fitzroy, Thomas, the beloved husband of Julia Sterry, of Hill street, Ironbark, Bendigo, and brother of William Sterry. confectioner, Smith street, Collingwood, aged 41 years.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic.) Tue 16 Feb 1892, Page 6
The prisoners taken by Constables Gleeson, Stokes, Wardley and Scott in the raid on the gambling house in the right of way off Little Bourke-street, shortly after midnight on Sunday, appeared at the City Court yesterday. The particulars of the raid appeared in yesterday's Age. The following prisoners were each fined 40s. or a month for being found on the premises : William Sterry, 37, baker
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.) Thu 28 Jul 1892 Page 1
Funeral Notices
STERRY - The Friends of Mr. WILLIAM ELY STERRY (window blind manufacturer) are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his dearly beloved eldest daughter, Mary Ann (Polly), to their last resting-place in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral will move from his residence, 175 McKean-street, North Fitzroy, THIS DAY (Friday, July 29, 1892), at a quarter to 3 o'clock precisely.
WILLIAM GEORGE RAVEN, Undertaker, 227 Smith-street, Fitzroy ; Queen's-parade, Clifton Hill; and Rathdown-street (south end), Carlton. Telephone 1037.
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 8 Feb 1895
STERRY - On the 7th February, at his residence, 175 McKean-street, North Fitzroy, William Ely, the beloved husband of Mary Sterry, late of Swanston-street, City, aged 57. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001 - Ancestry.com]
The Age (Melbourne, Vic) Thu 18 Feb 1897 Page 1
STERRY - On the 17th February, at 175 McKean-street, North Fitzroy, Florence May (Florrie). dearly beloved youngest daughter of Mary and the late William E. Sterry, aged 19 years.
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 18 Feb 1897
Funeral Notice
STERRY - The Friends of Mrs MARY STERRY are respectfully invited to follow the remains of her late beloved youngest daughter, Florence May, to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from her residence 175 McKean-street, North Fitzroy, THIS DAY [Thursday], 18th inst., at 4 o'clock punctually. W. M GEO. APPS, Embalmer and Undertaker, Fitzroy. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Sat 13 Jul 1901 Page 2
At the Police Court, yesterday, before Mr. W. Purtell, J.P., George Beecham, alias Grant, appeared, on remand from the previous day, charged with havings stolen a pair of winkers, the property of George Sheppard. Sergeant Anderson gave evidence as to arresting accused in Fitzmaurice-street on Tuesday afternoon. Took him to Mr. Sterry's shop. Mrs. Sterry, who was there, said to accused, "You are the man who sold the winkers to my husband yesterday." Accused said "I am the man." William Sterry, baker and dealor, deposed to buying the winkers from accused, and giving him 3s for them. George Sheppard, architect, said the winkers produced was his property; they were usually kept in the stable at the back of his house in Johnstone-street. Accused had no authority to take them. Accused elected to be summarily dealt with, and pleaded guilty. He was fined £2, or one month's imprisonment in Wagga gaol.
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Sat 3 Aug 1901 Page 3
Talk of the Town.
It is astonishing how good newa will spread. From every ward and street we hear of our people talking about the workings of the "Little Conqueror." Merit and honorable methods are finding their just reward. So many cases are cropping up that it is almost impossible to investigate them all, but we have taken a few in hand and have given them publicity for the benefit of our readers. Our representive obtained the following statement of facts in a personal interview. They are true in every particular, and no stronger evidence can be obtained then home endorsement.
Mr. William Sterry, of Kincaid-Street, Wagga, is perhaps best known as the introducer of muffins and crumpets here in Wagga. He says: "'I have been troubled with pains in my kidneys and back for many years. These I subscribe to having caught chill through going in and out of the bakery whilst heated. The pain in the small of my back was sometimes very severe, so that I could scarcely get in and out of my cart, and on one or two occasions I had to lay up on account of the pain. I took no medicine for my trouble except an aperient now and then, and found myself getting worse. Mr. Wilkins, the chemist, recommended me to try Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. I took his advice and procured some. The result may be briefly stated, for they took away my pains, and they have never returned. I need add nothing to this for it expresses my entire cure."
Remember it is Doan's Backache Kidney Pills you want. There is nothing "just as good" as this remedy for backache and kidney troubles.
Doan's Backache Kidney Pills ara sold by all chemists and storekeepers at: 2s 9d per box (six boxes, 15s 3d), or will be posted on receipt of price by the proprietors, Foster-McClellan Co., 76 Pitt-st, Sydney. But to sure they are Doan's.
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Tue 29 Jul 1902, Page 3
Wagga Police Court
(Before Mr. G. Martin, P.M.)
William Sterry was charged with aiding a prisoner to resist a constable in the execution of his duty. Mr. P. R.-Higgins (Messrs. Higgins and Robinson) appeared for the defendant. Constable Carrick deposed that on the afternoon of the 24th inst. he was effecting the arrest of a man for drunkenness, and found it necessary to throw his prisoner, when defendant interfered and endeavored to pull him away from tho man. Grace Sullivan, 11 years of ago, stated that she saw what transpired. The man came out of a public house and fell. After he got up Constable Carrick spoke to him, and later on threw him. While the two men were on the ground defendant caught the constable by the arm and pulled him off.
William Sterry, dealer, Baylis-street, deposed that on the day in question he saw the constable catch the man by the shoulders and knock him over. Witness remonstrated as he considered the constable had exceeded his duty, but did not put-his hands on him. Fined 20s, with 4s 10s costs.
Wagga Wagga Express (NSW) Thu 2 Jul 1903 Page 2
Mr. Arthur Sterry, son of Mr. William Sterry, of Wagga, since leaving Wagga 2 and a half years ago, has met with some success in Melbourne as an elocutionist. This young gentleman first recited at a concert in St. Andrew's Sunday School, giving the "Wreck of the Hesperus," and for which he got a good reception, and was asked to respond again but unfortunately had only studied the one piece, which he had to recite over again. The first success of Mr. Sterry in Melbourne was to gain a special mentioned certificate for humorous recitation at the South Melbourne competitions (without any tuition). After that he appeared at concerts, weddings, and parties, and taking an active part in amateur theatricals, the latest programmes of which we have in hand. There seems to be a future in store for this young gentleman, and as we hear he is to return to Wagga about December next, when we hope to have the pleasure of hearing some of his pieces, which include "Denver's Dream," "The Mad Actor," "Kissing Cup Race," '"Rio Grande's Last Race," and "Murphy Shall Not Sing To-night."
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic.) Tue 27 Sep 1904, Page 3
Death of Mr Sterry. Ex-M.L.A.
Bendigo, Monday
Mr David Chaplin Sterry died this morning at his private residence in Ironbark, at the age of 72 years. Some months ago Mr Sterry was seized with a paralytic stroke, but recovered from it. A recurrence of the attack last week, however, terminated fatally. The death of Mr Sterry removes an interesting figure from the life of Bendigo. He was born in Suffolk, England, in 1832, and came to Bendigo in 1853. He identified himself with mining and was one of the pioneers of quartz reefing. At one time he was a large mining investor, and up to recently was on the directorate of various companies.
Mr Sterry held various public positions, being a member of the City Council from the year 1876 to 1888, during which time he occupied the Mayoral office. Subsequently he was a councillor of the Marong shire up to the year 1903, and was elected president several times. He closely identified himself with agricultural interests, and was president of the Bendigo Agricultural Society for 25 years in succession, holding that office at the time of his death. He entered the Legislative Council in 1883 for the Northern Province, but soon retired to seek election to the Legislative Assembly. He was returned for the South Sandhurst electorate when that constituency was created in 1889, and held the seat up to the year 1904, when the electorate was abolished. He did not again seek to enter Parliament. Deceased was held in high esteem for his un-assuming, kindly disposition, and sterling character. He leaves a widow and three sons. [Read more about David Chaplin Sterry under Biographies and Authorship]
The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.) Wed 24 Oct 1906 Page 6
In April last it was reported to the police at Cobden, in the Western District, that a man named Samuel Stephen Sterry had mysteriously disappeared from his hut at Timboon, near Cobden. It was generally believed in the locality that the missing man had been murdered, and his body burned, and it was stated that a smell of charred flesh could be detected about the hut. Several detectives and constables were engaged in searching for Sterry, but could find no trace of him. This afternoon a report was received at the Detective Office from Mounted-constable Dunkeny, stationed at Rainbow, in the Wimmera district, stating that Sterry has been traced to Albacutya, near Rainbow, where he is working under another name.
Geelong Advertiser (Vic.) Tue 30 Oct 1906, Page 2
Superintendent Charles has received the file relating to the location of Samuel Stevens Sterry, the swagman who provided the Timboon mystery. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Goldstraw, of Timboon were attending the show at Rainbow, in the Mallee, and observed Sterry at the gate. He flatly denied that he was the missing man, but subsequently admitted the fact to Mounted-constable Dunkley. He gave as the reason for his sudden disappearance that he was afraid of being murdered by a certain Hindoo, and said that he left his swag and other belongings in the hut because they were of little value. He admitted seeing Contractor O'Neil outside Terang, where he bought a new swag, and made his way through Hamilton to the Mallee. He made reference to the issue of a summons against him by Boss Singh for assault, and Dunkley believes that his object in clearing out was to avoid service of the summons. Mounted-constable Quinn, of Cobden, who has perused the report, quotes facts to show the untruthfulness of certain of Sterry's statements, and says that, according to the hour and date when he passed through Terang, Sterry must have left Timboon at midnight on the date of his disappearance.
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 6 Dec 1906
STERRY - On the 5th December, at her residence, Hotham-street, South Preston, Maria, the beloved wife of Samuel and mother of Joseph, Samuel, Alfred, Rachel, Henrietta, Elsie and Ruby Sterry, Mrs Williams, Mrs Boyer and Mars Halverson, and sister to Mrs A. Austin, aged 51 years. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 6 Dec 1906
Funeral Notice
STERRY - The Friends of Mr. SAMUEL STERRY are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his dearly beloved wife to the place of interment in the Coburg Cemetery. The funeral will leave his residence, Hotham-street, South Peston, TO-MORROW (Friday), at 3.30 o'clock pm. ALFRED ALLISON, Undertaker. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 27 Aug 1907
STERRY - On the 23rd August, at Greensborough, Annie, the dearly beloved daughter of Mary and the late William E. Sterry. Interred privately Melbourne General Cemetery, 26th August. 'Tis only those who have lost can tell
The sad meaning of the last farewell [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Prahran Telegraph (Vic) Sat 5 Oct 1907 Page 1
STERRY - On the 28th September, at her son's residence, 58 Alfred-street, Prahran, Mary, the beloved wife of the late William E. Sterry, and loved mother of William E. and Alfred Edwin Sterry, aged 68 years
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW) Wed 18 Mar 1908 [Issue No.33] Page 1613
Place where issued: Wagga Wagga
Name of Licensee: Sterry, William
Where Premises situated or Address: Baylis-street Wagga and Fitzmaurice-street, Wagga
Nature of License: Second-hand dealers and Collectors
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Sat 1 May 1909 Page 2
On Thursday evening typhoid claimed another victim in the person of Mr. William Sterry, the well-known second hand dealer, who had been an inmate of the Wagga Hospital for the past week or two. Deceased, who came originally from Victoria, started in a small way and by degrees built up a fairly thriving business, having two local branches. He was a familiar figure at local auction sales and many a bargain was knocked down to 'W.S.,'' as he was described by the auctioneers, to the disgust of other bidders. Deceased, who was 54 years of age, leaves a widow and a family of three daughters and two sons. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the ceremony at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. Chas. Bell. The following were the pall-bearers: Messrs C. Groves. M. Cusky, W. Bradley and G. Moore. The funeral arrangements were in charge of Messrs. Hoye and Colbeck.
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Sat 1 May 1909 Page 2
STERRY - At the Wagga Hospital, April 29th, 1909, William Sterry, beloved husband of Elizabeth Sterry, and Father of Arthur, Elsie, Frederick, Ida and Ruby Sterry. Inserted hy his loving Wife and Family.
Wagga Wagga Advertiser (NSW) Sat 20 Nov 1909
In the Melbourne Divorce Court on Wednesday, before Mr. Justice Hood, Arthur William Sterry, 26 years of age, of the Victoria Coffee Palace, actor and clerk (formerly of Wagga) sought a dissolution of his marriage with Madeline Victoria Sterry, aged 26, on the ground of desertion. They were married on June 29, 1904, and there are no children. The husband's story was that on the tenth day of their married life he found a note from his wife saying that she was sorry she could not be a wife to him.
She had gone, but next day she came back with her stepfather, and relations were restored. Between that time and the end of the year she left him and returned four times. In December, 1904, he discovered her drinking a cup of kerosene. She said she was tired of life. He remonstrated with her, and she became angry and left the house. He never saw her again. A decree nisi was granted.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic) Wed 4 May 1910 Page 12
Funeral Notices
STERRY - The Friends of Mr. WILLIAM E. STERRY are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his beloved son, Reginald Creig, to the place of interment, the Brighton Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from his residence, 8 Lewisham-road, Windsor, TO-MORROW (Thursday), 5th inst., at 2 o'clock. W. G. APPS. Undertaker, High-street, St. Kilda Phone 71, Wind. Ex.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National) Thu 13 Apr 1916 [Issue No.47], Page 913
LIST of Applications for the registration of the Copyright in Literary (including Dramatic and Musical) and Artistic Works, and the Performing Rights in Musical and Dramatic Works, under the Copyright Act 1912. 1st January to 31st March, 1916. Literary Copyright Applications.
4785. John Moses, 11 Orpington-street, Ashfield, N.S.W., and Arthur William Sterry, 28 Parkham-street, Moore Park, N.S.W. - Drama: " The Cornstalks." 19th February, 1916.
The Corowa Free Press (NSW) Fri 2 Aug 1912 Page 3
A wedding was celebrated on Saturday evening at the residence of Mr., and Mrs. Mcnnes, in Fitzmaurice-street, Wagga, when Mr William John McFarlane, son of Mrs McFarlane, North Coast (and late of Corowa), was married to
Miss Ruby Frances Sterry, youngest daughtor of Mrs. Mclnnes and the late Mr. William Sterry. The celebrant of the wedding was the Rev. Mr. Simms. The brides maid as Miss Ida Sterry (sister of the bride), and tho best man was Mr. John McFarlane (cousin of the bridegroom). The bride was married in her travelling dress, blue cloth costume, with white furs and hat. At the conclusion of the ceremony the party, including the personal friends of the family, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. McInnes at a wedding breakfast. The customary toasts were honoured. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane left by the express on Saturday night for Sydney, where the honeymoon will be spent. The presents were numerous and included several cheques. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a silver watch, and the bride groom's gift to tho bride was a ruby pendant on a gold chain, and to tlhe bridesmaid a gold brooch
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 6 Jan 1913
STERRY - FELL (Silver Wedding) On the 4th January 1888 at North Fitzroy, by the Rev. P R C Ussher, William E. eldest son of the late William E and Mary Sterry, of North Fitzroy to Sophia, youngest daughter of the late James and Catherine Fell, of Fitzroy. Present address: "Manganton", Lewisham-road, Windsor. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Age, Melbourne, Victoria, 25 Oct 1913
STERRY (nee Hull) - On the 29th September, at Pender-street, Thornbury, the wife of J. E. Sterry - a son (Edgar Joseph Reuben) [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) Wed 11 Feb 1914, Page 13
When crossing Swanston street yesterday afternoon, William Storry, aged 49 years, of 28 Eglinton street, Moonee Ponds, was knocked over by a motor-waggon, owned by Lawrence, dyer, of Northcote, and sustained a fractured leg. He was crossing the road near Little Bourke street when the waggon, driven by Wiliam Best, of Hawthorn road. Northcote, approached him, Best sounding the horn when within three yards of him. Best picked him up, and took him to the Melbourne Hospital, where he was admitted for treatment.
The Bendigo Independent (Vic.) Sat 28 Mar 1914, Page 6
Between £250 and £300 is the estimated damage done at Russell's Gold Mines Hotel, Ironbark. The hotel was recently renovated, and valuable carpets were laid on the floors. These were ruined, the rain simply pouring into the top storey, soaked through the plastered ceilings of the lower stories, damaging precious oil-paintings that have been the property of Mrs. Sterry for upwards of half a century. The whole of the bedding in the house is wet, and the problem of finding dry clothing for the night's rest is a very difficult one indeed. Mrs. Sterry, who has been in Australia for 59 years, remarked that it was the severest storm she had ever witnessed.
The Argus, Saturday 17 July 1915
STERRY (nee Burke).-On the 5th July, in Queensland, Olive, dearly beloved daughter of the late Michael Burke and Mrs. Burke, of 86 River street, South Yarra; sister of Mrs. D. Grant, Sandringham; T. Burke, South Africa; E. Burke, Healesville; Michael and Alma, cousins of Mrs. A Anderson and Mrs. A. Avard. Wagga and other New South Wales papers please copy.
Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic.) Sat 30 Sep 1916, Page 26
At the Morgue, the body of a woman found drowned at Sandringham was identified as that of Margaret Jane Sterry, a widow, who lived at Dank street, Richmond. She had been for many years a charwoman at the Commercial Bank. [Note: this is almost certainly in error for a Margaret Jane Sperry who died 1916 registered Melb. East. Parents names unknown. Regist. No: 15076/1916]
The Bendigo Independent (Vic.) Wed 21 Aug 1918, Page 1
Funeral Notices
STERRY - The friends of the late MRS. JANE STERRY, relict of the late Mr. David C. Sterry, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the Bendigo Cemetery. Funeral to move from her late residence, Gold Mines Hotel, Inglewood Road at Three o'clock This Day (Wednesday), the 21st inst. WILLIAM H. OAKLEY, Funeral Director, Mundy Street (near Dispensary). Tel 436.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National) Thu 17 Jul 1919 [Issue No.89], Page 1146
7589. Arthur William Sterry, "Clyburn," Martin-avenue, Bondi, near Sydney, N.S.W. Cinematograph Production: "The Life Story of John Lee." 16th June, 1919.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National) Thu 3 Nov 1921 [Issue No.85], Page 1616
LIST of Applications for the registration of the Copyright in Literary (including Dramatic and Musical) and Artistic Works, and the Performing Rights in Musical and Dramatic Works, under the Copyright Act 1912. 1st July to 30th September, 1921. Literary Copyright Applications.
9704. Arthur William Sterry, " Clyburn," Martin avenue, Bondi, Sydney, N.S.W. Cinematograph Production: " The Man They Could Not Hang - Being the Life Story of John Lee." 8th September, 1921.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic) Tue 18 Aug 1925, Page 15
At the city court on Monday, Bertha Sterry, owner and licensee of the Gold Mines Hotel Inglewood-road, charged her husband, David William Sterry, with threatening behavior. The evidence showed that the parties had been living apart for the past eighteen months. The
hotel formerly belonged to defendant, but he made it over to his wife. He went to
the hotel on the night of 7th inst., and when refused admission he took an axe from the yard and commenced to batter the front door in. The police were sent for, and when Constable Barnshaw arrived defendant, who had said he did not care for all the ----- police and lawyers,
affirmed that he would break into the place and do for his wife, adding that he would also blow the place up with a bomb. Defendant told the bench that he left the hotel because he would not have the boarders insulting him. He was thrown out, clothes and all and forbidden to come back. He only struck the door in order to frighten his wife into submission. The bench ordered defendant to enter into a recognisance of £20 to keep the peace for twelve months, and to find another surety of a like amount.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National) Thu 25 Aug 1927 [Issue No.89], Page 1738
16333. Jack Moses and Arthur Sterry, " Clyburn," Martin's avenue, Bondi, Sydney, New South Wales. Comedy Drama : " Nine Miles from Gundagai," or " The Dog and the Tuckerbox." 24th June, 1927.
The Argus [Melbourne, Vic] Tue 4 Jan 1938, Page 11
STERRY-FELL - Mr. and Mrs William E Sterry announce with pleasure the 50th anniversary of their marriage, celebrated at North Fitrroy, on the 4th January, 1888 by the Rev P. R. C. Ussher [Present address 16 Chloris crescent, Caulfield]
The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, NSW, 10 Oct 1931
Silver Weddings
MILNE-STERREY - October 6, 1906, at Presbyterian Church, Durban, by the Rev. W Tees, William P., second son of the late Mr and Mrs. James Milne of Johannesburg, late of Balmain, to Robina, only daughter of the late Mr and Mrs E Sterrey of Balmain. Present address, 3 Ewell-street, Balmain. [Australia Newspapers Vital Notices 1831-2001-Ancestry.com]
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) Mon 13 Nov 1939, Page 4
STERRY - On the 11th November, at her residence, 16 Chloris crescent, Caulfield, Sophia, the dearly beloved wife of William E. Sterry, and loving mother of Thomas, Florrie (Mrs. Stan. Stuart), Reginald (deceased), Olive (Mrs. Mawson), and dearly loved nana of Bill, Dorothy, Yvonne (deceased), and Valerie.- Peacefully sleeping.
The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.) Tue 11 Jul 1944 Page 5
Sentenced For Petrol Theft
BENDIGO - Sentencing Thomas James Parker, 23, soldier, to one month's imprisonment for the theft of a quantity of Commonwealth petrol and drums from a military camp in Bendigo, Mr D. J. Duggan, P.M., said it was a serious and contemptible act at a time like this, particularly. for a man wearing a uniform. He wus a disgrace to his uniform.
On two other charges Parker was sentenced to one month's Imprisonment, the sentences to be concurrent with the first sentence. Seven four-gallon drums of petrol were involved. Gordon Plowrlght, 30, soldier; Peter Hopley, 55, grave-digger, of Spring Gully, and Robert William Sterry; 40, butcher, of Inglewood Road, Bendigo, were each fined £20 for having received Commonwealth petrol and drums.
Evidence was given that Parker was a driver at a military Camp in Bendigo, and had offered the petrol to the three other defendants, for which he had been paid at the ruling price. Parker had delivered some of the petrol to Hopley's home and had left that for the other two defendants at
places near the camp where they could pick it up.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) Wed 10 Oct 1945, Page 13
STERRY - On October 8. at Caulfield Military Hospital, Thomas William, dearly beloved husband of Hettie, loved father of William (A.Ï.F.), father-in-law of Yvonne. 50 Saturn street, South Caulfield (late 1st A.I.F. 10th Batt. 4th Fd. Bde). At rest.
STERRY - On October 8. at the Caulfield Military Hospital, Thomas William, late 1st Div.. 10th Battery. A.I.F.. eldest son of William E. and the late Sophia Sterry. At rest.
STERRY - On October 8, at Caulfield Military Hospital, Tom, loved brother of Florrie (Mrs. S. C Stuart) and dear uncle of Dorothy, late 10th Battery, First A.I.F. In God's care.